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What are the benefits of being a freelancer?

There’s a popular saying, “if you don’t build your dreams, another person will hire you to build theirs”. This is the reality of many people, but things are changing, more people are choosing to freelance over working for an established organization.

So, if you are thinking about getting into freelancing but you are doubtful of the kind of experience you will get, rest assured that it is worth the trial. Although it is challenging, it guarantees freedom and exploration of your dreams.

Here are 5 benefits of being your own boss and going solo!

Freedom to pursue your online passion

This is the ultimate benefit of being a freelance, you do what you like, what suits you. You are free to fulfill your purpose. This brings satisfaction because you are genuinely connected to your job, you are just not working to make ends meet.

Working in a company requires employees to show up at a certain time each and every day, the general times are around 9am and 5pm. When you work for yourself, you can work anytime, if you are more productive in the night, then you can work in the night hours and sleep all morning. In as much as you can cover the projects you can make positive impact on your ROI and no one will query your work etiquette, after all your clients are just wanting the results and don’t care about what your do to achieve those

You have control over workspace energy

When you work in a office you have to align yourself with the company’s vision and confirm with the company’s culture. Freelancing allows you to determine your company’s brand. You have zero office politics tormenting you. The power is in your hands. To determine the energy that flows in your workspace. You determine the ambience of your workspace.

Freedom to create

This is one of the golden perks of working for yourself. There’s no boss disrupting your creativity flow. When you get a brilliant idea that should improve the productivity of the project, you hope that your boss likes and approves of it.  You also secretly hope that if it is approved and adopted that you get all the glory and praise for it. But sadly this is not guaranteed for an employee, most of the time you are treated like a number. Freelancing allows you to remove all of the obstacles and allows you to think and create freely.You are the boss that listens to your brilliant ideas and you get all the due glory.

The learning experience.

When you work for yourself you see the big picture. Those things you took for granted working as an employee stare you right in the face. You learn how to minimize and manage risk. You learn the practicalities of being an entrepreneur. You must cover your projects, you must make enough to pay your salary, your bills, tax, insurance and everything else to survive. You learn quickly how to sustain your clientele. You gain practical knowledge of running a business that they don’t teach in business school.

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