AND.CO is now Fiverr Workspace
Shake hands. Everyone wins.
We’ve partnered with the Freelancers Union to create an advanced contract that builds secure, mutual, fair relationships. And then we also built a bunch of smart technology around it.
Our contract is vetted by the Freelancers Union and complies with the Freelance Isn’t Free Act.
You and your clients can sign contracts online. Finally—no more printing, scanning, and sending!
Custom-tailor your contracts by easily turning clauses on and off, attaching further notes, and more.
Fiverr Workspace generates invoices automatically based on your contract terms. Just click and approve.
Fair and secure work relationships need a contract. Not having one is dangerous for both parties and can lead to misunderstandings, false expectations and ultimately lost time and money.
Fiverr Workspace and The Freelancers Union have created a standardized service agreement to help strong, fair work relationships get off the ground quickly.
Using a standardized contract vetted by a third party eliminates back and forth, establishes trust, and speeds up the signing process.
Starting a secure work relationship becomes faster and simpler.
The Freelancers Union helped establish The Freelance Isn’t Free Act in New York City, a law that helps freelancers have more secure work relationships.
The Freelance Contract takes the law into account and directly applies its principles.
Using a standardized contract vetted by a third party eliminates back and forth, establishes trust, and speeds up the signing process.
Starting a secure work relationship becomes faster and simpler.
Our automated technology and intuitive tools take care of the small stuff
so you can focus on what matters.